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Restraining Order

Restraining Order

Restraining Order

Your Court Buddy family law attorney can help you if there has been physical abuse within a close relationship and you need to apply to the court for a protective order or restraining order preventing the other party from being near you or contacting you or your children. Your attorney can file in the court where you reside for an order of protection. Your attorney will assist in drawing up the proper paperwork and represent your interests in court. The court will hold proceedings and ask for evidence before making a decision, so it is very important to consult with and get help from an attorney to make a proper presentation to the court and protect yourself.

Alternatively, if someone has gone into court requesting a protective order or restraining order against you on the grounds of domestic violence or abuse, it is important to defend yourself. If you do not defend yourself adequately and the other party obtains the order, you will be prohibited from seeing or contacting them or your children. Your separation or divorce proceedings, living situation, and other interests can be negatively affected. Your Court Buddy family law or criminal defense attorney will represent you, ensure you get a fair hearing, and fight for your interests. The court will hold proceedings and ask for evidence before making a decision, so it is very important to consult with and get help from an attorney.